GLBT Voices Singapore
con·fes·sion kənˈfeSHən | noun intimate revelations about a person's private life
Formerly known as Gay SG Confessions, GLBT Voices Singapore (GVS) is a community on Facebook based in Singapore, with readers from around the ASEAN region.
GVS speaks for the LGBTQI individual who is prevented from fulfilling his/her true potential due to societal discrimination and prejudice. A huge majority of our readers are still in the closet, thanks to the repressive legislature such as Section 377A of the Singaporean Penal Code. Stigmatisation and malignment of the gay community in Singapore and around the region remains a very real and stark reality.
Featuring an ever growing collection of community-submitted stories, recounts and memories by gay, bi, lesbian, straight, transgendered (and those who have yet to make up their minds), GVS publishes these stories on the LGBT community's behalf, anonymously.
By sharing our collective personal coming out stories, worries, fears and even secret desires, GVS hopes to accomplish two objectives;
To reach out to the lonely, struggling LGBTQI individual out there and let him/her know that he/she (or you), are not alone.
To show the world at large that despite our sexual orientations, we are no less nor different than any other human being. We love, laugh and cry just like any other.
So write in! We look forward to hearing from you.
XOXO Nicholas Lim aka GC Founder, administrator, GLBT Voices Singapore
To contact the administrator, please email admin[at]GLBT[dot]sg. Connect directly with 'GC' on Twitter @gaysgconfess !
© 2013 GLBT Voices Singapore - All Rights Reserved
- By submitting your 'confession' or Content to GLBT Voices Singapore (GVS), you hereby grant GVS a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicenseable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform the Content in connection with the GVS (and its successors' and affiliates') endeavour, including without limitation in any media formats and through any media channels.
- No content published on this page may be reproduced or distributed without the express written consent of the administrator.