
Gladiator School

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Welcome to Gladiator School

As you enter the ludus (training grounds in ancient Latin), your head is surely filled with questions. In the past you might have been a captured warrior, slave or even a free man sold into slavery to settle a debt. Regardless of your social rank, (for even select nobles became gladiators) you would trust your training to a seasoned Doctore (trainer) who has been entrusted with your development into a seasoned warrior.

Benefits for life

  • Sharper mental focus
  • improved self-discipline
  • faster reaction time
  • self confidence
  • improved problem solving
  • Community and a sense of belonging
  • speed
  • balance & coordination
  • strength
  • flexibility
  • dexterity

Self Defense for the arena and today!

Gladiators faced every challenge: spears, swords, daggers, shields, mounted soldiers and even wild animals. A gladiator had to forge an iron will, and clear their mind of distractions. You will learn to fight using your whole body. You will learn to defend against armed attackers. You will gain skills that transform common objects to weapons for self-defense and you will learn to use your attackers strength against them.

How is Gladiator school different from martial arts Gladiators and Gladiatrixes (female gladiators) do not train in a commercial storefront. They train outdoors, learning to defend themselves on sand, grass and concrete. They learn to use their environment doorways, stairs, uneven terrain –even darkness and light can be used to their advantage.

Training begins with the natural motion of weapons. By changing distances and timing, these same motions become the foundation of disarms, take-downs and more. There are 7 levels of training. Unlike many martial arts, each level is a complete combat system. As you progress you not only learn additional weapons but master skills to match your improved flexibility, strength and knowledge. Each level includes hand to hand, practical self defense, kicking, take-downs and disarms that share the same motion to reinforce learned actions and improve muscle memory. Following is a brief overview of each rank.

I . Parmularius: gladiator with a shield and axe. II. Hoplomachus: gladiator with spear/two-handed weapon. III. Provocator: gladiator with sword and dagger. IV. Dimachaerus: gladiator with twin swords. V. Retiarius: gladiator with net (or other method of binding) and trident. VI. Sagittarius: gladiator with bow/projectile weapon.

The seventh and final level tests the gladiator for master. Successfully completing all challenges honors the graduate with...

VII. Rudarius: gladiator having earned the rudus (wooden sword), the rudus was the symbol of a gladiator’s freedom. Today it serves as a certificate much as a black belt might be granted in the Asian martial arts.

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