

#153 Telegram Global Rank

A General Purpose Bot , helping you to do daily tasks like Downloading Songs , Reading Jokes, Search Queries , etc.

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I am Friday, a Smart Bot on Telegram.

What I can do...

/joke for a random joke /meme for a random meme /flip for flipping a coin /quote for a random Quote /shorten URL for shortening a URL /expand SHORTURL for expanding a URL /wiki KEYWORD for a searching keyword /news Sends you latest news articles /song SONGNAME for sending song to you /video VIDEONAME for sending Youtube Video to you with that name /ytd LINK for downloading youtube video video /rate for Rating Our Bot /contact MESSAGE to send message to Bot Master

Wanna Report a Bug or send suggestions. Type /bug DESCRIPTION to report bug. /suggest SUGGESTION to suggest anything.

Wanna Contribute ? Github :-