
Fisher's Net Awards

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When the Apostles were commissioned by Jesus to go out into the world and make disciples of all nations, there was no hesitation, on their part, to begin fulfilling their mission. They began to go into the public squares and proclaim the resurrection of Jesus and the Kingdom of God to anyone that would listen. Over time, the Church’s methods of communicating the gospel to the world evolved and we can look back and be inspired by a rich history of art, design, music, and architecture, which were used by the church to package the message of God’s love for the world in terms that would most easily be synthesized by the public.

The Church innately understood that it wasn’t simply a matter of what you said, it was how you said it. In the modern developed world, there are no longer public squares in which people will gather to exchange ideas the way they once did. Instead, the new public square is the internet and it confronts the Church with incredible opportunities to reach people with the mission of the new evangelization in exciting ways. The Fisher’s Net Awards is a way to encourage and recognize churches, ministries, and apostolates who have drawn from the Church’s rich history of using art, design, and technology to reinvent the proclamation of the Gospel for a modern age in the new modern public square.

It is our hope and prayer that evangelists throughout the Church will be encouraged and can draw inspiration from the nominees and award winners featured on this site in order to respond to the need to communicate an authentically Catholic identity and to draw internet users into an encounter with truth, goodness, and beauty.

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