First Assembly of God

Our Vision is to be the vibrant, living Body of Christ; Pentecostal believers who seek to share the Word of God with the lost and foster growth in believers. We strive towards that goal by offering Spirit-filled worship services, small groups for all people of all ages, and opportunities to serve God by serving our community.

Our Mission is simple: Loving God, Loving People

Because we love God, we value ... The Authority of God’s Word, Our Personal Relationship with Jesus, The Powerful, Supernatural Encounters we have with Him and the privledge of expressing our Love for HIm in Worship .

Because we love people, we value ... Every opportunity to share the good news of Jesus everywhere [i.e. Missions/Evangelism], Teaching people to obey Jesus [i.e. Discipleship] , Healthy Familes and theDiversity of humanity.

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First Assembly of God