
Feeling Good! The Happy Hour with Heidi Show!

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As Life Evolves, and certain light is shone on what matters, I begin to see what it is that I may be expected and compelled to do more of in the World...and that is spread the knowledge of how WE are responsible for CHOOSING happiness...that it IS ours to CHOOSE. AND that we MUST make a HABIT of choosing happiness over pain, over frustration, over anger, over helplessness, over self-pity. WE are the captains of our fate. We need only ask for support and love and it APPEARS...but we must ask.

I'm so excited to turn this page and begin again to reconsider a life of dedication and devotion to leadership and spiritual growth and helping and supporting others in discovering the deep well of happiness within them.

I've been told too many times recently, that my words are more powerful than I know, and that I have influenced others and touch their lives without even knowing it...and without knowing the people whose lives I have touched...I have been told it enough times, that I must listen now....

this desire has LONG been a part of me...I've always, somehow, thought that I'd end up a minister...but have been disuaded by one person or another, based on the weaknesses I have shown or the preferences I have seemed to lean towards.

My preference is not just to speak, but to effect a change in the level of happiness and the ability to expect great things of one another...Id love to see those levels increased...collectively and in a wonderful unifying way.

Thus this page...and the newer directions it will begin to take.

I hope you all enjoy the ride! and stick around for whatever may come!!!!

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