Fast Credit Capital UCO CJSC

“Fast Credit Capital” Universal Credit Organization Closed Joint-Stock Company was registered and licensed on the 14th of October, 2011, RA Central Bank License- number 37. “Fast Credit Capital ” UCO CJSC was founded by “Fast-Credit” LLC pawnshop net’s founders. The pawnshop net has started its activity since 1994 and now it consists of ten pawnshops, eight of which are in Yerevan city, one in Gyumri and one in Armavir. Henceforth each pawnshop will become a branch of “Fast Credit Capital” UCO CJSC and the credit portfolio will be transferred to the credit organization. At present about 47 thousand clients are dealt with the pawnshop net, and the number of clients is increasing day by day. In this case the main problem is giving faster and highly qualified customer service which has become one of the presuppositions of the founding of the credit organization. The credit organization commits to actively expand its geography and to found branches in each regional center and in all big cities. The organization suggests the following products to clients:

  • Consumer credits
  • Micro, small and medium business credits The customers are offered the collateral (real estate, vehicles, gold ) guaranteed credits.
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Fast Credit Capital UCO CJSC