
Eat Right Feel Amazing

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My name is Kate and I’m the creative driving force behind Eat Right Feel Amazing. I am incredibly passionate about healthy eating and have had a long love affair with food. Eat Right Feel Amazing was born to provide an outlet for all my creative food thoughts and as a way to share my healthy recipes and to inspire people with my food passions.


All our recipes use whole ingredients, stay away from processed items and provide balanced nutritional food for the whole family. We are inspired by clean eating. We say inspired as we do not want ‘The Eat Clean Police’ knocking on our door if we sometimes use a non clean ingredient.

OUR AIMS 1.To inspire you to try new food and encourage you to cook using real ingredients. 2.To turn healthy eating on its head and provide you with great food that is colourful, tasty and nutritious – and not at all boring or ‘diety’ 3.To provide all the nutritional information and you need to tailor your own individual eating plan and give knowledge on all the food groups.

THIS IS FOR PEOPLE WHO: •love good food and are looking for new creative ideas •want healthy food inspiration, but find health advice dull and boring •need nutritional meals to feed the family •want a SUSTAINABLE way to lose weight •are in training, and require advice for good nutrition

There is so much good food out there. All you need is a little extra time to plan and prepare your meals and start cooking real food with real ingredients. I can guarantee that you will feel better, healthier and happier

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