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Feeling alone and helpless in your tasting journey? Take a photo of a label and instantly get ratings and descriptions with Cincin, your personal tasting butler that helps you get access to the best of the world. Keep track of your favorites and learn more about your drinks by following the world’s leading producers, sommeliers and critics. And all this works for wine, sake, spirits and craft beers! We are coming in September, so stay tuned! 覺得開展一段品酒旅程是一件孤獨無助且充滿困難的事情?不用擔心,因為您有Cincin,一個屬於您自己的私人品酒顧問!只要掃描酒標,您便可即時找到酒的介紹及評價,助您輕鬆搜羅各地佳釀。我們無時無刻細心留意您的喜好,根據我們專業團隊的意見,介紹符合您口味的各樣葡萄酒、清酒、烈酒以及手工啤酒。我們即將在9月面世,不要錯過!

A World’s Expert Team At Your Disposal! 一app在手,世界各地專家隨時為您服務!

  • Pick the best choice every time by following top producers, leading sommeliers, winemakers, and pros. 跟隨世界頂級的酒莊、品酒師、釀酒師及專家的意見,讓您每次選酒都不會失手。
  • We learn from your style and discover your next favorite bottle. 我們細心觀察您的品酒經驗及風格,為您介紹心頭好。
  • Our database is constantly updating itself to find you the best price and get you the best value for your money. 我們的數據庫會無間斷地為您更新最划算的價格及推介性價比最高的酒品。

Instant Label Recognition 即時酒標識別功能

  • Simply scan the label, and we will instantly show you the rating, tasting note and description. 只需掃描樽上的酒標,即時為您提供產品介紹,以及其他用戶的評價和試酒筆記。
  • Unlimited number of scan on wine, sake, spirits and beers for free. 無限次使用掃描功能,葡萄酒、清酒、烈酒及啤酒皆適用。

Personal Tasting Journal 您的個人品酒日記

  • Choose the rating system that is most comfortable to you. 由您選擇最適合自己的評分系統
  • Add your own ratings and tasting notes to keep track of your favorites. 編寫自己的試酒筆記及評分,助您有系統地記錄每一次的經驗及喜惡。
  • Share your great times and great tastes with friends! 跟好友們分享每段美好的品酒時光及美酒吧!

New Era of Group Tasting Experience 品酒聚會的全新體驗

  • Set up an event and create the QR code for your group right from your phone. 輕鬆透過手機一次過完成開設品酒活動、建立二維碼並分享給各方好友。
  • Simply scan the QR code and Cincin will show you the tasting list and mark you rating. 簡單掃描活動的二維碼,便可清楚查看品試列表,方便記錄您的評價。
  • Compare the ratings and reviews with your friends in a closed group. 在私人群組內盡情分享您們的評價,絕對不會被洩露。
  • All this works for a friend’s gathering to an International expo. 適合不同大小活動,不論三五知己的聚餐,以致國際酒展皆適用。
  • The simple design makes tasting on the go a fun and easy experience. 簡約易用的設計讓您享有更輕鬆有趣的品酒經驗。
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