
Choose FI

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A new podcast airs every Monday and Friday. Monday introduces a new topic or idea and Friday brings in the community's feedback and ideas.

We are not dogmatic here about any single approach to Financial Independence but want to foster conversation that allows all of us to reach our goal of financial independence faster. The path this community chooses to follow to reach FI will be incredibly diverse but the conversation is guaranteed to be fascinating. Our only dogma is that you Take Action.

To learn more about the ChooseFI Radio Podcast or the greater FI community, please visit

Try the following commands:
Alexa, Play Choose F I
Alexa, Ask Choose F I to play episode 21
Alexa, Ask Choose F I to play the podcast from January 19th, 2018
Alexa, Ask Choose F I for a message from the authors
Alexa, Ask Choose F I for information about the podcast
Alexa, Ask Choose F I for help

**For suggestions or information about this Alexa skill send an email to [email protected]

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