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Chooose is a monthly subscription service for climate positivity. Easy and convenient earthsaving 2017-style.

And let’s just face it. The world is seriously heating up and will not be saved by a miracle or by politicians. So we thought, let’s fix this ourselves. We, the people, living on this fantastic spaceship called planet earth.

That’s why we launched Chooose. To fix what is broken and not wait for anyone else doing it for us.

Chooose is a new and effective tool against climate change where we together as individuals “steal” the permits to pollute from the big polluters. With Chooose, you both become climate neutral AND you put the responsibility to fix the problem back to where it belongs – to the ones who actually pollute the most. And most importantly, every single person becoming a Choooser counts. A lot. With you, we will cut a lot of CO2 – without you, we can’t.

Basically: One permission out (to us) means one permission less available for the big polluting bad guys. And one permission – 1 ton – is a whole lot of CO2!

This is how it works:

Chooose offers instant carbon neutrality (based on average emission per person in your country) by buying and deleting CO2 quotas. A quota is basically a permission to pollute 1 ton of CO2. But when WE buy the permissions, WE make sure that the big polluters can never turn the permission into a ton of CO2 in our atmosphere.

We can’t wait for dull politicians or old men in suits to fix this, and we can’t really move into caves either and stop doing everything we like. But we CAN steal the CO2 permissions under their nose. We CAN disrupt the CO2 market for the big polluting industries. And we CAN grab them where it hurts the most (which believe it or not is their cash) and make the price of their pollution go up, so that the dirty businesses must clean up (or shut down). And every person counts. You count. If you’re from USA you count just about 17 tonnes of CO2 (and that’s a lot of CO2). With you, that’s 17 tonnes of CO2 gone, without you it might be released into our air by some shady factory.

So come on and and be a superman (or acctually, be a Choooser) and join Chooose today

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