Categories Game

Categories Game is a fast-paced word game. In this game, you will be presented with different categories and asked to come up with a word that begins with a certain letter in each category. Stimulate your grey matter in this engaging game!

NEW: Unlock categories by playing more rounds. Alexa will tell you at the end of the round when does a new category unlocks!

Alexa: I rolled the letter A. First category is Animal...
You: Animal, Ant
Alexa: Ant is correct. Great. Next category is Country
You: Country, Austria
Alexa: Austria, nice answer. Next up is...
And so on...

If you enjoyed playing Scrabble� or Scattergories�, you will have tons of fun with Categories Game!

** Categories Game may sometimes have trouble getting the word correctly or let you say a word that doesn't belong in the category, but we are constantly expanding the lexicon and the game keeps improving with time. Thanks for your understanding.

If you like the game, please leave a review. If something is wrong or you've had a bad experience, please write us before leaving a negative review at [email protected], thank you!

Do your quickest and sharpest to get on the leaderboard.
- See the scoring system below.
- Find the leaderboard at

- If you could not answer on time, had a wrong answer or Alexa had trouble understanding you (we're sorry for that), you get 0 points for the category.
- If your answer was accepted, you get 50 minus the number of seconds it took you to answer.
- Your score is the sum of points you received in a round.

- You can skip a category by saying Skip category or I don't know. If you don't say anything for longer than 6 seconds the game will quit (Alexa's interface limitation).
- You can say repeat category if you've lost track or need to buy some time to think.
- If Alexa rolled the same letter twice or you just want to change the letter for any reason, say Change the letter.
- Try maximizing your score by acing all categories without mistakes!


- "Alexa, open Categories Game" - "Alexa, play Categories Game" - "Alexa, ask Categories Game to play"

#games #knowledge & trivia
Categories Game