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1847年嘉士伯於丹麥誕生,J.C Jacobsen以酵母為基礎,釀造出丹麥有史以來第一支酵母釀造啤酒,時至今日仍然是啤酒釀造的基礎。事實上,幾乎所有現代的啤酒均源自於釀造嘉士伯的原始酵母,Saccharomyces Carlsbergensis。J.C Jacobsen 以兒子的名字Carl,結合丹麥語的山字(berg) ,將此啤酒釀造命名為嘉士伯(Carlsberg)。嘉士伯現在已遍佈全球各地140個國家,成為數以百萬酒吧的指定啤酒!

Carlsberg was born in Denmark in 1847, thanks to J.C Jacobsen, who brewed Denmark's first ever beer using a yeast that became the basis for many modern-day imitations. In fact, almost all modern-day lagers are derived from the original yeast used to brew Carlsberg, Saccharomyces Carlsbergensis. Jacobsen named the brew after his son (Carl) and the Danish word for hill (berg), after the hill on which the brewery sits. Carlsberg is now a regular in millions of bars across 140 countries worldwide (now that calls for a Carlsberg!).

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