
AVIS Car Rental Macau

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網址: Twitter: Instagram: avismacau

我們提供從 14 小時的電話預定咨詢到 24 小時的全天候緊急救援服務,凡是租車涉及到的問題,我們都為您想在先,做在前。除此之外,我們倡導靈活多變的彈性服務理念,除了為眾多國際大公司提供長租服務外,在短租車輛資源上亦有明顯的優勢,讓您擁有更大的選擇餘地。

AVIS 在車況及車輛保養方面也勝人一籌,讓您租車更放心、順心。我們的車管中心擁有多名高級車輛維修技術師及精密的維修設備確保您在 AVIS 汽車租賃所租的每輛車都車況優良。為了滿足您的需要,我們將不懈努力。

Website: Twitter: Instagram: avismacau

AVIS Macau provides self-drive rental car service, chauffer drive for services ranging from a one-way-transfer, to a city tour, and even special wedding packages aboard our very unique Tour Machine. Our staff is available 14 hours a day to provide you with quality service, as well as 24 hours emergency assistance.

AVIS Macau also has an advantage in car maintenance, as our maintenance center is equipped with precision equipment and operated by a number of our own high-level mechanics to keep all the cars in top conditions. We will always try harder to satisfy your needs.

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