
Amazon Seller Central

N/A Amazon Alexa Global Rank

Do you sell on Amazon? You can check in with Alexa anytime for a quick update on the status of your Amazon business and stay informed of important details about your sales, buyer messages, and more. Get started by enabling the skill and linking your Seller Central account when prompted. Then just say, “Alexa, ask Seller Central how my business is doing” for a summary of your sales performance. Assess your inventory to see if a top seller is out of stock by asking Alexa, ask Seller Central to check my inventory. Learn how your campaigns are performing by asking “Alexa, ask Seller Central about my campaigns.” You can also ask Alexa for your current account balance, message summary, and when you can expect your next payment from Amazon.

In order to use the skill, you need a Professional selling account for the U.S. Marketplace. If you do not have a Professional selling account, please visit to register today.

“Alexa, open Seller Central…”
· How’s my business?
· How's my inventory doing?
· Did I receive any orders?
· What were my sales last week?
· How are my campaigns?
· Do I have any buyer messages?
· When will I get paid?
· What’s my current balance?

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