
Actualized Life Workshop

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Origins of The Actualized Life Workshop

When I was 7 years old there was a lot of things I wanted to get but growing up as the son of a pastor there wasn't much money to go around... I wanted to be very successful as far back as I can remember. Now a lot of kids in my position sit back and daydream or wish and say I'm just a kid, but not me I started doing whatever it took to have more money and to be successful... I started shoveling snow, raking leaves, bagging and delivering newspapers, selling candy at school, pretty much everything my young mind could come up with. I wanted a breakthrough and felt I needed one.

As I grew older my ideas got better but people started to tell me that they were impractical...that I couldn't do it. I need to focus on getting a job to make a living, go to college, you'll never be rich, you can't be a rapper soon they will run out of different combinations of sounds for beats. And I began to believe all this stuff. And so I took the traditional route. I took some college courses and I worked in Call Centers because I loved to travel and I knew that there is call center in almost every town. I absolutely hated working for someone else, And all this time I still have this dream.

Over the years I worked at all types of call centers some better than others. I had a daughter and I needed to make more money to support her. One day I seen an ad in the paper about a new call center being built from the ground up and they were looking for managers to help build, train, and run this new site. I felt excited and knew this opportunity was for me. I applied for the position and I got it. I was super excited! And the only problem was that I had to get used to all of the new responsibility. I was on salary so I was working a ton of hours and I had a large team I had to take care of. I did an excellent job but as I worked more the office politics started to become more apparent.

Oh I loved the job and helping people become better at what they do, but I hated the office politics and having to change who I was to conform to someone else's ideal of who I should be, how I should act, and what I should do. That's why I hated working for somebody else helping them to achieve their dreams and passions. Then I got laid off I was devastated and I didn't know what I was going to do. I was taking care of my mom my daughter, and my 2 sister's... all the bills in the house I was responsible for. I was going tens of thousands of dollars in the hole.

Then my mother died and short time later I became homeless. It was absolutely the most horrible time in my life. And I had to make a decision... I knew I had a great deal of unused capability that I had not turned to my advantage yet. I could continue to ignore my untapped resources and find another job or start to follow my passion. This is where I had to make a decision about whether or not I was going to get get another dead end job or finally have the guts to do what I wanted to do.

I started to devour information at an alarming rate going to the library almost every chance that I could to write my book and read and to find the secret. Every dollar that I had went to investing in myself(even today I have a massive library full of books and courses) This is what I needed to make my dream a reality. I knew that successful people invested in themselves and in their education. After reading a book Journey of Souls something inside clicked... The secret was revealed to me and all the things I learned and studied became an integrated whole.

I had a new understanding, I got the message. I started to implementing it and it changed my life. I went from constantly struggling, doubting myself, and feeling absolutely stuck to creating a life that was getting closer and closer to my Ideal Actualized Life. Money and Success started coming much easier. Soon I was not feeling stuck and knew that all that I wanted was an inevitable outcome. I was able to do so much more for my daughter, I bought a house, and things just started to come effortlessly.

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