
國立政治大學生存遊戲社 NCCU Survival Game Club

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  1. 本社為政治大學校內學生社團,下屬之槍隊「特機隊(SMS)」為畢業校友及社友組成。 This is a NCCU student club, with the SMS team within the club composed by graduates and comrades.

  2. 為體適能社團,強調安全、歡樂與團隊合作。 A physical fitness club that stress on safty, happy and teamwork.

  3. 主要從事生存遊戲活動。 Major in Survival Game (Airsoft).

  4. 每周有校內社課,平日活動多為週末出戰。 Indoor classes every week, and outdoor combat on the weekends.

  5. 成員目前在校者10數人。 More than 10 members in the university currently.

  6. 提供槍支及裝備租借,然數量不多,欲租借者請洽社長。 Gear lending and renting are available, but due to rare quantity, plz contact the chief of the club.

  7. 活動場地多位在郊區或野外(ex:樹林)。 Combat activity mostly happens in suburb Taipei (Xinbei City).

隊員招募事項 Recruiting

  1. 本社鼓勵社員自己買槍,並由學長輔導,提供相關資訊。如有需求,本社會揪槍支採購團,一起至特定槍店參觀。 Gear purchase is encouraged, the club will help those who want to do so and offer them the first-hand aid. Also, shopping group for needed and rookies is organized.

  2. 本社歡迎任何國籍、系級、年齡、性別加入。 All nationalities, departments, ages and genders are welcomed.

  3. 有興趣者歡迎留下聯絡方式(email、MSN、facebook),以利活動訊息之傳達。 If you're interested plz leave your email or facebook for contact.

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